Welcome to the Fisher Middle PTSA website!
Join PTSA Email List
Fisher Spirit Wear Store
Show your Firebird pride and support your school by purchasing your Fisher Middle Spiritwear!
Don't miss out on what we have in stock and order your Fisher
Spiritwear today!
What we have available is all we have in stock. Preorders are available currently available for a limited time. We will deliver
your order to your student in their 3rd Period Advisory class.
Order Today at:
2024-25 Prices: Limited Inventory
T-shirts - $15-$20
Long Sleeve Shirts & Hoodies - $25
Crewneck Sweatshirts - $20
Water Bottles - $5 (under Spirit Items in website navigation)
Please contact fishermiddleptsapresident@gmail.com with any questions or concerns about spiritwear.
Join the PTSA Today!
School Year 2024-2025
We want to invite all of our Firebird Families, both in-person and virtual student families to join Fisher
Middle's PTSA today for the 2024-2025 school year by going to: https://pjfmsptsa.memberhub.com/store?category=Memberships
By joining the PTSA you give our school and students the support that's needed for a successful school year. It's quick and easy, all you need to do is select the membership that fits best for you. Then fill out the online form, submit your $6.00/per membership online payment.
*For Student Membership a phone or email is NOT required.
Join us All Pro Dads!
Dad's we need you at Fisher!
Dad's bring your student and join us on the Last Thursday of the Month at 7:30. We will meet in the Sunken Assembly for donuts and have a meeting in the Media Center. We'd love to have you there.
2024 - 2025: All Pro Dad's will Meet the last Thursday of every month.
RVSP at: https://allprodadchapters.com/chapters/4665
Spirit Night - stay tuned!
Fisher PTSA Volunteers
The Fisher PTSA is looking for volunteers for the 2024 -2025 school year! There are so many opportunities for our parents to get involved in our school. If you are interested in finding out more, please email fishermiddleptsa@gmail.com and we will get you connected!

School Store Open!
2024-2025 School Year
School Store is open now!
Wednesday Mornings
7:45 - 8:15 am
Volunteers Needed to help!
Cash Only
The School Store at Fisher is located across from the gym.
Fisher Birdwatcher Volunteer
Welcome Fisher Birdwatchers. We are excited to offer another opportunity to get our parents, volunteers, and community members into our school. A Birdwatcher at Fisher is an adult presence providing an added layer of student support which helps reduce behaviors in unstructured settings and creates more involvement and partnerships with our Fisher families and community.
Signup today at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D49A4A622ABFE3-birdwatchers1
** You MUST be a Level II Volunteer to participate in the Birdwatcher program. If you are not Level II, you can apply here. If you are not sure if you are a current Level II parent volunteer, please contact the office.
Firebird Fun Run!

A huge thank you to our community sponsors for our Firebird Fun Run Fundraiser!
Parents, you are invited to come watch!

PBIS Volunteers Needed
We Would you like to help during school hours and see how Fisher works during the day? We need parent volunteers to help during all student lunches: Grades 6-8.
All you need to do is collect feathers from students that they earned for positive behavior and let them exchange them for awards off of the reward cart. Select your day/time you can volunteer and sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D49A4A622ABFE3-pbis
** You must be a Level II Volunteer to Volunteer. If you are not, Level II you can apply here. If you are not sure if you are a current Level II parent volunteer, please contact the office.
The link posted below will take you to the dress code guidelines for the 2024-25 school year. Check your Fisher PTSA website for dress code compliant options for the incoming cold weather!